How to declutter and organize clothes
Is your dresser, closet, bedroom, or whole house acting as storage for your clothes? Do you find yourself buying duplicates because you can’t find an item that you know you already own? You are not alone! Here are some steps to take to get your clothes more decluttered and organized.

Practical Organizing Solutions: The most important thing to give up on
Are you ready to give up on the idea of getting your space into a more achievable manner? Let me explain the reason why you should give up on one thing in general.

Practical Organizing Solutions: Release the feelings of guilt
It is more common than you think to receive a gift that you really don’t want or need. The giver most likely didn’t intend to fill you space with more “stuff” that adds to your clutter or anxiety. Remember to be gracious and accept the gift without over exaggerating thanks. A simple thank you will do. Now to decide what to do with the item…..

Practical Organizing Solutions: DON’T buy more bins & organizing supplies
Are you defeated before you even start because you see all of the hype about organizing with pretty matching containers and decanting food from their original packaging? That is not functional organizing. Function does not have to be perfect, it just has to work!

Practical Organizing Solutions: What are the Next Steps
Congratulations on your desire to get your space decluttered. Here are some tips to help you with that.

Practical Organizing Solutions: Where to Begin
If you don’t know where to start with decluttering and organizing, I have some practical organizing solutions and tips for you.